Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Common Interview Questions

Common Interview Questions & My Sample Answer

Q: Can you describe a deal that you have worked on that you are proud of, and the role you played in that deal.   

I worked on many crucial multi-million projects throughout my career. I really enjoyed the project with clear high-level goals and then try to create a plan with milestones.

My current job involves a lot of vendor negotiations both technical and financial and will like to narrate one of the deals in the recent past. 

During capex preparation phase almost a couple of year back, I received a business requirement that includes 3.2 Million M2M connections along with 1 Million 5G subscriptions. The budget was reserved, however, allocated budget was far more less than the required due to Management level cuts and I’ve to manage within that! Considering confidentially, there is not much I can reveal for my current employer.

Network requirements, when checked with an existing vendor, found much more price and there was no other option left, except to cut the scope. Cutting expansion scope means impacting organization business goal and was the worst option.

Hence a strategy was placed and I make it open tendering, keeping in mind that bring new node could be even much more higher in prices. Eventually what happened is, the New vendors were dying to fill the space in this operator, while existing became insecure all together.

Stressed financial negotiation was being undertaken with both existing and new vendors and I finally was able to procure this capacity with the existing vendor. The price after negotiation was even beyond imagination and as an operator, we never stretch to that level.

At that moment I was too much appreciated even by higher management and project was market as one of the benchmark project conduct so far. Proud moments for me, since I was leading this project from both design & procurement sides 

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